Add Listing

Add your listing to the most comprehensive business directory for Nova Scotia’s South Shore.

The more information you add to your listing the greater the chances that customers will find your business through our site and through Google searches since Google regularly scans our site.

Premium Versus Free Listing

Standard (Free) ListingPremium ($15/m) Listing
Business Name11
Phone Number1Unlimited
Business Description0Unlimited
Images1 (Logo only)Unlimited
Number of Categories1Unlimited
Number of Tags0Unlimited

More information about categories and tags can be found at the bottom of this page.

More information about categories and tags


Categories are descriptions of the industry or service your business is involved in. For Example Joe’s Garage is in the ‘Automotive‘ category. With a premium listing Joe could ALSO be listed under the ‘Auto Service Station‘, ‘Auto Towing‘, ‘Collision‘, and ‘Gas Stations‘ categories.

Now a customer can find Joe’s Garage by looking under the directory and clicking on any one of the categories listed above, or by searching for ‘Gas Station‘ or ‘Towing

The more categories a business is listed under, the more chances the listing will be seen by customers.


Tags are brief descriptions of services a business offers. For example the premium listing for Joe’s Garage may have tags such as: Oil Changes, Tires, Auto Air Conditioning repair/recharge, Autobody, Transmission, and Suspension.

Now a customer can find Joe’s Garage by just searching for ‘Oil Change‘.

The more tags listed give not only the search on our website, but search engines (like Google) more information about a business and return better more accurate search results making it easier for customers to find your business.

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